How Did You Make Sure You Had Work/Life Balance? Pt I
Name: Dalanda Jalloh
Masters of Engineering in Biomedical Engineering from Cornell University
IG: @serene_me25
For as long as I can remember, I’ve pushed myself for growth - whether it be personal, academic, or professional. With this type A personality and the thirst for knowledge and growth comes the inevitable - stress. We all go through a myriad of stressful situations; some minor and others a lot more major and very stressful. My journey for knowledge and growth has been coupled with self-discovery. I know myself, my unique intricacies, my desires, my fears, my stressors, and stress relievers. Every day provides me a new opportunity for self-discovery. Throughout my undergraduate and graduate career, with limited time and resources to splurge on extravagant stress relievers, I’ve learned what works best for me after a long day (or days) of stressors. Being present, being grateful, and humor have a special place in my heart. When I remembered my strong and supportive friends, listening and guiding me day-to-day, throughout the years, I achieved relief. I found solace and peace in knowing that I was blessed to have family, friends, and a spiritual connection, to guide me through the daily woes of a Type A, goal-oriented woman. My innate nature also draws me to humor. As a passionate and silly learner, humor has always been an abundant element in my life. I’m a proud member of the group of people who love The Office (US) and have watched the series on multiple occasions. I’m also a friend who loves being silly and telling jokes daily. Laughter is refreshing and breathes peace into my soul in a similar manner as being present and grateful for everyone and everything I have in my life. With those reminders and components in my life, I’ve been able to seek out and achieve true stress relief. To this day, those elements continue to bring me stress relief and peace.